Can I deliver to multiple addresses?

We do not offer shipping to multiple addresses for a single order. If you would like items delivered to multiple addresses, please place those orders separately.

Do you alert us once our order ships?

Yes! An email will be sent to you with the tracking information once it ships out to you!

Where do I get tracking info?

An email with tracking details will be sent to you the moment your product is shipped out!

Do you offer delivery to PO Boxes?

Our shipping partners do not deliver to PO box addresses. If you still provide a PO box address for shipping, we are not responsible for the failure of order delivery. 
You can provide us with an alternative address, but reshipping charges will be applicable.

Have not received my order yet, now what?

First, check tracking info and see if it was delivered. If it says delivered but never received please allow a few more days. Sometimes products are delivered late by DHL or scanned delivered by mistake.

Then call or email us regarding the whereabouts of your order!


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Paypal, Debit and all major Credit Cards

What is your ordering process?

Ordering process is simply 4 quick steps:
  1. Select your favorite items and add them to cart
  2. Enter your billing and shipping information
  3. Select shipping method
  4. Checkout

What should I do if I made a mistake on my order?

Immediately contact us by phone or email and our team will gladly resolve all of your concerns!
Email: info@faithvogue.shop

How do I apply a coupon code?

Enter your coupon code inside you shopping cart! Coupon code section lies between your listed items and checkout!

You can also enter your coupon code during checkout when entering your payment information! (Please note that you must hit apply coupon before adding payment)

How do I change my order?

Email us regarding all changes to an order!

Can I cancel my order?

We can only process cancellations for items that have not gone into production. Please email us at info@faithvogue.shop with your order details we will cancel your order and provide a full refund.

We cannot cancel orders once the printing process has begun.

What's the status of my order?

Following a successful order, please expect a confirmation email. You will also receive an update email when your order goes into production. Once your order ships, we will send a third email with your tracking information.

The most recent information on your order is always available via the receipt link provided in our email correspondence.

If you did not receive the status update emails, please check your spam folder or promotions tab in case it was redirected there.

Replacements, Exchanges, and Returns

What is your return policy?I'm unsatisfied with my product. What can I do?

Please see our Return Policy.